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KrissKross-razor-sharpener02-07.JPGKrissKross razor sharpener169 viewsVery high in gozmoosity. it has settings for pressure and flips the razor over reeatedly, every few cranks of the hand to strop it evenlydaveldr

KrissKross-razor-sharpener03-07.JPGKriss Kross razor sharpener Box top99 viewsThis is a slick little item. It belonged to Charlie Rodgers' Grandfather, I believe, and has the original, how-to papers in the boxdaveldr

DaveLucier-CahrlieRodgers-MikeDarling-DaveAdams-GaryCaron-atAnvil-07.JPGDave Lucier, Charlie Rodgers, Mike Darling, Dave Adams & Gary Caron at Anvil95 viewsGary asked who wanted to be first and everyone stepped back. Charlie Driggs seized the momentdaveldr

GaryCaronSetting_REgistrationMark-07.JPGGary Caron Setting Registration Mark106 viewsAfter you heat the rod, you have to make a registration mark so you don't swing wildlydaveldr

GaryCaronRemovingHump-07.JPGGary Caron Removing Hump102 viewsAfter you form your pad, the registration mark has to be removed.daveldr

GaryCaronSettingCurve-07.JPGGary Caron Setting Curve113 viewsGary showing us how it's SUPPOSED to be donedaveldr

GaryCaron-CharlieDriggs-ExaminingHoldfast-07.JPGGary Caron & Charlie Driggs Examining Holdfast101 viewsIt urns out that there is more than one angle that needs examining when you set the curve, teamwork makes that go fasterdaveldr

CharlieDriggs-RegisteringMark2-07.JPGCharlie Driggs Registering Mark104 viewsHere's Charlie registering his mark with authoritydaveldr

CharlieDriggsFinishingCurve-07.JPGCharlie Driggs Finishing Curve95 viewsAfter setting the curve in the jig, we finished up the orientation of the curve and the placement of the paddaveldr

DaveAdams-GasForge-07.JPGDave Adams setting up Gas Forge103 viewsDave and Gary brought a coal forge and set the gas in the pan to get to a good heightdaveldr

DaveLucier-ShapingPad-07.JPGDave Lucier Shaping Pad105 viewsThe 2nd thing to do, after registering your mark is to shape your pad. The metal is drawn sideways to widen the end with the small end of the hammerdaveldr

DaveLucier-SettingCurve-07.JPGDave Lucier Setting Curve120 viewsAs you can see, we all set the curves slightly differently. Some of us use the correct hand, some use the other hand to swing the hammer. %-) We lefties were well represented.daveldr