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DrillGuages2-07.JPGDrill Gauges153 viewsMore stuff from Charlie's box of wonders. I don't know, those look nicer than the ones I got from the Handyman Club of Americadaveldr

MiniRouter-07.JPGMini Router139 viewsAs I remember this one came from our friend in England. No, not Jeff.daveldr

saw-suitcase-07.JPGsaw-suitcase138 viewsWhen travelling, a man never wants to be w/o his sawsdaveldr

spokeshaves-07.JPGspokeshave roll122 viewsWe all have our rolls of chisels...who woulda thiunk itdaveldr

ring-around-the-tote-07.JPGring-around-the-tote169 viewsCharlie brought out a tote. This is a two mena and a boy tote. Everybody gathered around in wonder and awe.daveldr

SteveReynolds-BrettonWade-GaryCaron-DaveAdams-07.JPGSteve Reynolds, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Dave Adams112 viewsMugshots of some of the suspects - sitting around just shooting the bulldaveldr

DaveAdams-Dave_Lucier-CharlieRodgers-unknownplane-07.JPGDave Adams, Dave Lucier, Charlie Rodgers, unknown plane75 viewsDave Lucier brought out a block plane with the throat adjuster pin and the tightener knob reversed. It came this way from the factory. We'd never seen anything like it. The adjuster worked BETTER than the normal way. Perhaps a prototype that never got released in any volumedaveldr

AdriaX3-07.JPG3 Adria backsaws104 viewsdaveldr

trammel_pts-07.JPG3 Adria backsaws107 viewsdaveldr

trammel_pts-07~0.JPGtrammel pts113 viewsProlly a leather working tool %-)daveldr

DaveAdams-DaveLucier-BrettonWade-GaryCaron55-07.JPGDave Adams, Dave Lucier, Bretton Wade, Gary Caron, Stanley55115 viewsDave Lucier brought out a 55 and set up a beading blade for people to try outdaveldr

DaveLucier-Stevereynolds-TomPrice-BrettonWade55-07.JPGDave Lucier using 55, Steve Reynolds, Tom Price, Bretton Wade watching192 viewsdaveldr