Tree House |
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IMG_0497.jpg264 viewsView of the crane from the ground. The floor of the treehouse is 9'8" above ground level. Everything has been cut by hand and almost all drilling and screwing as well.galootgary

IMG_0498.jpg201 viewsGantry in the drop position. Start by pulling the bucket up and tying the rope off, then swing the whole thing around and let the bucket down on the floor of the treehouse. The non braced end is there strictly for a counterweight.galootgary

IMG_0499.jpg185 viewsGantry in the lift position. There will be a 2x4 bolted to the side of the upright with a barrel bolt to hold it in place, to keep the frame from rotating while pulling on the rope.galootgary

IMG_0500.jpg182 viewsA somewhat closeup of the joints. Housed and brawbored mortise and tenon, and lapped dovetail brace. The pin was recyled from an old timber framed barn.galootgary

IMG_0501.jpg169 viewsThe mounting method. I used the hinges to allow the gantry tio swivel through 180 degrees.galootgary

Tree_House_Tools_new.jpg42 viewsMore treehouse tools. Note the lack of power tools. Only a few DC electrons were killed on this. Needless to say, I have gotten pretty good at following the lines with a handsaw.galootgary

Amish_guy3.jpgAnish Guy75 viewsWhen I was assembling the timber frame on the ground, a neighbor asked what I was doing, and I told her I was building a barn, that was why I was wearing the Amish flat hat.galootgary

timberframe_joints~0.jpgTimbrt joints52 viewsNot sure if 4" x 4" posts can be considered timberframing, but it has been fun pretending....galootgary

Lumberyard.jpgLumber Yard49 viewsThis is where most of the bents were cut and tested, then thrown up onto the treehouse and reassembled.galootgary

Amish_guy1.jpgAmish Guy in treehouse72 viewsThe paltform is 9'6, from the ground, and the timberframe top is another 7'2 higher, plus after the timberframe braces are installed, the rafters should be at least another 2' higher. galootgary

end_of_pole.jpg58 viewsThe notched end of one of the posts that the tree house frame sits on. The frame is lifted and bolted to the standing posts.galootgary
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