Auction Pics 11-09-07 |
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Whatsit1.JPG138 viewsThis is marked Atkins, but darned if I know what it does. It loks like it may be to set logging saws?galootgary

Whatsit2.JPG112 viewsThe business end of this whatsit.galootgary

Auction_loot_1.JPG126 viewsA couple of box lots. The enclosed gear drill came with 5 bits in the handle. note the round mallet in the middle. The hammer has "hand formed Octagon" stamped on the side.galootgary

Auction_loot_with_hair.JPG168 viewsThe only thing I wanted out of this lot was the auger bit box in the middle, but they threw on this flat. That is real human hair on the upper right.galootgary

MF_Surform.JPG122 viewsCloser view of the Millers Falls Surform filegalootgary

Drill_press_1.JPG186 viewsPost Drill. I have been looking for one for several years. Got this one at the gloatable price of $10.galootgary

Drill_Press_2.JPG178 viewsSide shot of post drillgalootgary

Drill_Press_3.JPG188 viewsPost Drill gear section with adjustable cam screw for variable feed speedsgalootgary

Forstners.JPG89 viewsForstner rim bits, old hacksaw and Millers Falls version of a Stanley Surformgalootgary

Forstner_Bits.JPG89 viewsForstner rim bitsgalootgary