Shavehorse |
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P1010003~1.JPGZE77 viewsbusiness end of the shave horse - lower block / jaw is in 2nd-lowest adjustment position, probably suitable for something 3 inches in diameter / cross sectionCharlie Driggs

P1010001~0.JPGR63 viewsseat is shaped and a coat of BLO applied to it, now setting up the frame to have rear legs mountedCharlie Driggs

P1010001~1.JPGP67 viewsseat shaping is about two-thirds doneCharlie Driggs

P1010001~2.JPGM 70 viewsfront leg is shaped (foreground) and now seat blank is being glued upCharlie Driggs

P1010004~0.JPGZF79 viewslower block / jaw removed to show simple adjustment mechanism -- not as slick as the original Brian Boggs design, but quick to makeCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_12.JPGO78 viewsresawing the frame railsCharlie Driggs

P1010007~0.JPGL 72 viewsmade a handle for my froe, and a "mallet" from leftover piecesCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_15.JPGJ67 viewsscrub planing the largest pieceCharlie Driggs

P1010004.JPGW59 viewsboring the mortise at the appropriate angleCharlie Driggs

P1010003.JPGV60 viewspivot block, seat, legs & frame -- side view, first assemblyCharlie Driggs

P1010002.JPGU56 viewsback legs being checked for fit and anglesCharlie Driggs