Galoot BBQ |
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DSCN1071.JPGpresumed pattern makers chest15 viewschest is from Hamilton area, a big steel town. There are a number of things that yell "pattern maker" in the chest.dlarue

DSCN1072.JPGferule15 viewscool cast ferulesdlarue

DSCN1073.JPGchisels16 viewschisels in the chest - note the number of cranked necksdlarue

DSCN1075.JPGshrinkage13 viewsshrink rule from tool chestdlarue

IMG_20170826_154400.jpggouging17 viewsOne of Mihai's daughters working on a spoon.dlarue

hook_tool1.jpghook tools 129 viewshook tools (Esther)dlarue

hook_tool2.jpghook tools 125 viewshook tools (Esther)dlarue

bowl_blank.jpgxmas 2015 bowl blank26 viewsEsther and Mihai balancing the blank & mandrel on my lathedlarue

forging_hook.jpgxmas 2015 forging a hook tool27 viewsEsther brought her micro forge and we made up a few hook tool blanks.
Dan did all the forgery.dlarue

lathe3.jpgxmas 2015 my lathe21 viewsmy lathe set up for the Galoot BBQdlarue

bowl_demo.jpgrobin turns24 viewsRobin Wood demo at Northwoods school, photo courtesy of Estherdlarue

bowl_lathe.jpgxmas 2015 bowl lathe20 viewsthe bowl lathe Esther was using at Northwoods schooldlarue