Two_Cherries--After.jpg133 viewsThis is what the Two Cherries chisels look like with new handles. Wood is cherry. Ferrules are the ones Lee Valley sells.Chuck Myers
Two_Cherries--Before.jpg97 viewsThis is what the chisels looked like with the original handles. Note the handle blip on fifth from left.Chuck Myers
DSC03830.JPGExperimental London Pattern Handles161 viewsI tried several options while deciding on the final handle design for the Two Cherries handles. This was one design, which combined leather washer on the striking end with ferrules made from two different sizes of flare nut. I decided against the flare nuts because they wouldn't accommodate the chisel tangs very well. Don't recall why I abandoned the leather idea, other than maybe I didn't have enough leather on hand at the time. Not a bad look as I revisit it. Maybe I'll use it for future tools.Chuck Myers