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009.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - Model No 2041 viewsPemco Warranted Brace - Similar to Consolidated brace ratchet at:

010.JPGPemco Warranted Brace - Ratchet70 viewsPemco Warranted ratchet with selector knobOldSneelock

013.JPGMillers Falls Model 732B 46 viewsMillers Falls Model 732B braceOldSneelock

020.JPGStanley Handyman Brace66 viewsStanley Handyman No. H1253AOldSneelock

025.JPGMillers Falls Model 732B 38 viewsMillers Falls Model 732B braceOldSneelock

026.JPGBrace - Maker & Model unknown - Pexto Mod 480639 viewsAfter diligent application of force the faint word EXTO, surrounded by an oval, appeared on the lower frame, near the ratchet. On the upper frame 4806 was lightly stamped in the bar. As a GIT I put this through the ringer. I'm not suprised that the numbers are nearly worn away.OldSneelock

028.JPGMillers Falls & unknown model of Millers falls brace.48 viewsMillers falls unknown model. Missing a pin for the clockwise ratchet pawl. Came with a nail instead of a pin.OldSneelock

029.JPGMillers Falls Mode&l 732B & unknown model of Millers falls brace.44 viewsLarge and small braceOldSneelock

030.JPGBrace47 viewsOld brace with winged bolt tightener for bitOldSneelock

037.JPGEggbeater 57 viewsEggbeater with a Needsmust handleOldSneelock

038.JPGBridgeport Model 100 60 viewsBridgeport Model 100 corner braceOldSneelock