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DCP03832.JPG101 Style Planes364 viewsleft to right: early 1900's Stanley with R&L iron, Ohio O101, Stanley with S-casting and 101 incuse behind the R&L iron.Gary K

HPIM3375.JPGType 11 # 5 1/238 viewsI just got this from John Black - nice original condition and a great plane!Gary K

Pic_8.jpg15 viewsFinally doubled up steel wedges right at the trouble spot.Gary K

HPIM2651.JPGSplitting Headaches341 viewsIt's opened up far enough that I can put my fist in to the elbow at the butt end, but it still won't split!Gary K

Pic_5.jpg17 viewsOne trouble spot - persistent despite the glut and the cluster of wedges.Gary K

Pic_2.jpg24 viewsDowned section of an english walnut tree. The tree died in our yard last year for no apparent reason.Gary K

Allin_02.jpgEnd Band29 viewsNote gap under band on left side and gap between wood and barrel at the end of the stock.Gary K

Pic_11.jpg20 viewsSplit worked well - note the pith in the center. Black marks are some kind of reaction to use of steel wedgesGary K
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20160214_085019.jpg40 viewsGary KFeb 14, 2016

Allin_08.jpgBarrel Band31 viewsGary KNov 27, 2015

Allin_06.jpgAllin Conversion Breech28 viewsGary KNov 27, 2015

Allin_07.jpgSpringfield Lock Cavity29 viewsGary KNov 26, 2015

Enfield_01.jpgEnfield Lock32 viewsThis is the inside of a typical percussion musket lock, in this case, a Pattern 1853 Enfield.Gary KNov 26, 2015

Allin_01.jpg29 viewsOn left is an 1869 Allin Conversion Trapdoor Rifle, and on the right is an 1866 Allin Conversion, my current project.Gary KNov 26, 2015

Allin_02.jpgEnd Band29 viewsNote gap under band on left side and gap between wood and barrel at the end of the stock.Gary KNov 26, 2015

Allin_03.jpgMiddle Band35 viewsNote small gap under band where wood meets barrel.Gary KNov 26, 2015