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PICT1233.jpgIt's Hammer Time!179 viewsThumb plane assembly on buck blockgstucker

PICT1257.JPGMy first handle198 viewsI made this burnisher from a carbide rod generously donated by list member TMZ.gstucker

PICT1259.JPGThumb plane - finished263 viewsA solid performing little planegstucker

PICT1214.jpgChariot plane shell150 viewsShell of Shepherd kit chariot plane. They recommend peining with the shell assembled around the infills. I used a buck block instead.gstucker

PICT1220.jpgChariot plane116 viewsAbout 4" along the sole. This has proved to be an excellent performer.gstucker

PICT1211.jpgSpiers #7173 viewsApproximation of Spiers #7 from a Shepherd kit. The wood is maple with a water-based dye. gstucker

PICT1222.jpgChariot plane143 viewsGood view of the mouth.gstucker
Last additions - gstucker's Gallery |

PICT1266.JPGGalootaclaus 06170 viewsA Galootaclaus-made mortise plane. The blade is made from a file. The maker saw a posting of mine about making my kitchen cabinets and thought this would be useful; yes, indeed. Thanks!gstuckerDec 22, 2008

1522810ae7a02bdaa324a110_L.jpgGalootaclaus 08139 viewsJim Tolpin's "The Toolbox Book" - I've been wanting this one for a long time. Thanks, mystery gifter!gstuckerDec 22, 2008

PICT1259.JPGThumb plane - finished263 viewsA solid performing little planegstuckerDec 15, 2008

PICT1260.JPGThumb plane218 viewsThis shows a good view of the 'rolling' chamfer on the top edge of the sides. It starts square at the front, rolling to about 15 degrees at the peak and 30 degrees at the rear.gstuckerDec 15, 2008

PICT1263.JPGPartners182 viewsgstuckerDec 15, 2008

PICT1257.JPGMy first handle198 viewsI made this burnisher from a carbide rod generously donated by list member TMZ.gstuckerDec 15, 2008

PICT1230.jpgThumb plane loose assembly313 viewsThe brass bridge was a real mess, so I added the little urn design again as with the chariot plane.gstuckerNov 18, 2008

PICT1233.jpgIt's Hammer Time!179 viewsThumb plane assembly on buck blockgstuckerNov 18, 2008