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Anvil_name1.jpg139 viewsAnvil name side - Peter Wright 150 lb anvil.timpendleton

dscn0657_scale_adj_crop.jpgMoscow Zoo, June 200935 viewsInteresting roof and shingle detail on structure in Moscow Zoo compound. June 2009.timpendleton

Anvil_name2.jpg116 viewsAnvil name stamp and weight.
Under the word PATENT it appears to say SOLID WROUGHTtimpendleton

IMG_20130610_134927.jpgNew Anvil Maker's Mark88 viewsThe manufacturer of my new anvil is presently unknown. A bit of research is in order.timpendleton

10-0129_Jenn_Ice_Fishing1.jpgJenn Ice Fishing 232 viewsMy niece Jennifer, making progress on an ice fishing hole, using a brace and bit. Photo taken 01/29/10 on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.timpendleton

dscn0063_scaled.jpgKiev September 200848 viewsInteresting wood shingles on upper level of The Golden Gate in Kiev, Ukraine.timpendleton
Last additions - timpendleton's Gallery |

IMG_20130610_130755.jpgNew Anvil - Just what SWMBO was hoping for!129 viewsNew freebie anvil. More photos to follow.timpendletonJun 10, 2013

IMG_20130610_134927.jpgNew Anvil Maker's Mark88 viewsThe manufacturer of my new anvil is presently unknown. A bit of research is in order.timpendletonJun 10, 2013

2012-01-14_16-56-37_513_crop_adj.jpgPrimed bird and bat houses35 viewsMy son built the bird and bat houses while working on his Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman activity badge. His block plane, model plane, clamps and eggbeater drill were used in making the houses. :)
I built 6 birdhouse and 5 bathouse kits for the Webelos. The Den meeting at which the houses were assembled featured a short show-and-tell session with a bunch of Galoot tools. :)timpendletonJan 30, 2012

dscn1093_crop_scale.jpgPainted bird and bat houses34 viewsCompleted bird and bat houses. My son built the houses as party of the the requirements for the Webelos (Cub Scout) Craftsman Activity Badge. My wife and son painted the houses. timpendletonJan 30, 2012

10-0129_Jenn_Ice_Fishing1.jpgJenn Ice Fishing 232 viewsMy niece Jennifer, making progress on an ice fishing hole, using a brace and bit. Photo taken 01/29/10 on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.timpendletonJan 29, 2010

10-0129_Jenn_Ice_Fishing2.jpgJenn Ice Fishng 132 viewsMy niece Jennifer, demonstrating excellent form while using a brace to bore an ice fishing hole. Photo taken 01/29/10 on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Sigh - it is nice to see the younger generation using hand tools too! :)timpendletonJan 29, 2010

painted_tools.jpgPainted Tools67 viewsQuick, someone call the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Coloring Ayrn)...painted saws AND a Scythe! timpendletonNov 14, 2009

dscn0656_scaled.jpgInteresting roof, Moscow Zoo, June 200956 viewsBuilding in Moscow Zoo compound, with interesting roof. June 2009timpendletonJun 11, 2009