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English_Back_Saw_2_sm_pic.jpgCrownshaw Chapman & Co #2242 viewsThis is the back of the saw as found. writt

Larrys7.jpgOld No. 7319 views Rehabed Stanley #7 type 17. writt

TSchaplin2.jpgChaplin's Patent overall156 views This view gives a good look at the workings of this plane. The knob is original and it appears to be rosewood. writt

Knob___Tote_3.jpgWalnut Knob & Tote Mounted220 views This pic shows the walnut knob & tote mounted on my #4 type 9 user. writt

Knob___Tote_2.jpgWalnut Knob166 views This pic shows the fine bead turned at the bottom of the knob. This is a bit too subtle. The next bead will be a bit bolder. writt

knob_blank_2.jpgKnob Blank Bottom114 views This is the bottom of the knob blank. You can see the 19/23" diameter hole and the 5/16" diameter thru hole. writt

plough3.jpgPlough Mark104 viewsMakers mark for screw arm plough plane writt

TSchaplin1.jpgChaplin's Patent side view183 views The sides and shoulders on this plane are very good looking. writt
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cocosets2.jpgCocobolo Wood Sets155 viewsThis pic is of the first sets of Stanley wood out of cocobolo. They have been polished to P600, a light coat of "Tony's Goop" applied and several coats of wax. writtNov 24, 2011

miterbox1.jpgMiter Box 1145 views Side View of Unknown Miter Box writtSep 13, 2011

miterbox2.jpgMiter Box 2104 views Side View of Unknown Miter Box writtSep 13, 2011

miterbox3.jpgMiter Box 390 viewsBottom view of unknown miter box writtSep 13, 2011

knob_blank_1.jpgKnob Blank135 views I cut the knob blank 2"X2"X2". The top and bottom must be very parallel. and the height is the finished height of the knob. On the top drill a 7/16" diameter hole 1/2" deep for the brass mounting nut. On the bottom drill a 19/32" diameter hole 1/2" deep to fit over the boss on the plane. Then drill a 5/16" hole through. Turning is the last thing I do. writtJun 05, 2011

knob_blank_2.jpgKnob Blank Bottom114 views This is the bottom of the knob blank. You can see the 19/23" diameter hole and the 5/16" diameter thru hole. writtJun 05, 2011

lathe_fixture.jpgKnob Fixture136 views This is the fixture for turning the knob. It is tapped 1/4-20. The large hole in the bottom of the knob fits over the small diameter on the fixture uo to the face of the larger diameter and is held on with a 1/4-20 socket cap screw. writtJun 05, 2011

lathe_setup.jpgLathe Setup130 viewsI use a live center for turning because there is a lot hanging out of the spindle. The center is removed for shaping the top of the knob. writtJun 05, 2011