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2007_0068s.jpgWhite oak wardrobe with quartersawn panels119 viewsThis wardrobe likely dates from the 1920s or thereabouts. It was probably made in Winnipeg Manitoba. It displays considerable radial rays, particularly on the four panels. In its second life, it serves as a stereo cabinet.Schwartz

1921ss.jpgFile cutter's shop62 viewsSchwartz

2010_5167s.jpgStanley No.30 level with 3 adjustable vials144 viewsSchwartz

2012_9999_8s.jpgShurly-Dietrich Atkins Nikelo84 viewsActually, the box held a harlequin bunch of files...Schwartz

2013_2481ss.jpgTrollhatten No.10070 viewsThe saw plate shows the outline of the handle. I'd like to see a handled example to use as a pattern.Schwartz

2011_8246.JPGunidentified Japanese block plane blade82 viewsmaker's mark resembles a woman with parasol, facing awaySchwartz

IMG_2545es.jpgDetail of Gutenberg Press replica453 viewsThe included angle of the screw threads appear to be about 100 degrees.Schwartz

Perfect_Handle_screwdriver_missing_1_scale_2011_7920ss.jpgPerfect Handle missing one scale64 viewsThe rivets had been bent over, securing the remaining scale, which I decided to keep.Schwartz
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2018_01_24_3109_GClausS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 overview81 viewsSchwartzJan 28, 2018

2018_01_27_3110_GClausSS.jpgGalootaclaus 2017 detail79 viewsrabbet plane ( rebate Jeff ) awaiting 1st assignmentSchwartzJan 28, 2018

20140806_1713ss.jpgW. Butcher gouge101 viewstapered spigot with no ferruleSchwartzAug 17, 2014

20140815_1728ss.jpgnew ferrule coing up!132 viewsgouge and brass fitting mounted to Handy collett chuck, shaped dowel in existing tang holeSchwartzAug 17, 2014

20140815_1734ss.jpgW. Butcher converted for turning150 viewsnew ferrule turned from a brass 1in x 3/4in plumbing adapterSchwartzAug 17, 2014

20140804_1704ss.jpgBadly bent Wiss inlaid scissors135 viewsSchwartzAug 16, 2014

20140804_1707ss.jpgBent shear needing adjustment134 viewsAll of the unwanted bending was in one of the two blades.SchwartzAug 16, 2014

20140804_1710ss.jpg1st vise set-up136 viewsSchwartzAug 16, 2014