The rain falls mainly on the plane |
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005.JPGTool from the days haul147 viewsDon't spend a lot of time looking at my old bench. It was build by an old rockhound. I obtained this from my last house 1922 Arts and crafts bungalow. Any way the items on the bench are Disston 6tpi, Sargant moulding plane, Fillister plane, railroad pick headC&NW, #21 Stanley square, a no name square, ( a bit rusty but staight) a reamer and two plow plane irons, allso a not identified wood plane missing an iron and wedge, It has some damage on the back center portion.KellysW

007~0.JPGFillister plane missing slitter knife71 viewsTher is some checking on the end grain and it was purchased after seting out in the rain. the body appears to be solid. The iron dosn't have any major pitting and should sharpen well.KellysW