Cooper's Shop |
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100_0254_(300_x_400).jpgCupboard to hold molding planes101 viewsrtnorn
100_0255_(300_x_400).jpgCupboard to hold additional molding planes when an if they are acquired.80 viewsrtnorn
100_0246_(300_x_225).jpgAnother view of cupboard built to hold molding planes.73 viewsrtnorn
100_0252_(300_x_225).jpgView of two cupboards built to hold various molding planes and to gain additional floor space.73 viewsrtnorn

100_0034.jpgChisels and gauges96 viewsrtnorn

100_0035.jpgVarious cooper's tools.74 viewsrtnorn

100_0024.jpgExterior of Cooper's Shop87 viewsThis building is a timber frame building. It was built of white oak beams over a three year period.rtnorn

100_0027.jpgInterior of Cooper's Shop80 viewsTredle Lath at end of shop.rtnorn

100_0028.jpgCooper's shop workbench and tools.104 viewsrtnorn

100_0031.jpgWorkbench area in cooper's shop.81 viewsThis is a working shop that s 12 x 20 feet. It was built to house tools of various trades from the 18th and 19th century.rtnorn