Ramped Shooting Board |
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Ramped_Shooting_Board_-_Dedicated_No__6C_plane.JPGRamped Shooting Board with Dedicated Plane781 viewsI restored and commissioned a Type 9 Stanley No. 6C using a Hock blade sharpened straight across.Sgt42RHR

Ramped_Shooting_Board1.JPGRamped Shooting Board624 viewsI used scrap cherry lumber to make a ramped shooting board that rests on an 18" x 21" base of 1/2" MDF. The ramp itself is 14" wide and 17" long; the running board for the plane is about 4 inches wide and 21" long. The fence is adjustable. The wood is not stained but finished with a couple of rubbed on coats of Tung Oil finish.Sgt42RHR

Just_cuts_2_inch_square_stock.JPGJust cuts 2 inch quare stock339 viewsOne reason I built this appliance now is that I need to square a lot of 2" square walnut for a folding camp bed I'm working on.Sgt42RHR

Setting_the_fence.JPGSetting the fence388 viewsUsing the good advice and glossy color photos from Derek Cohen's wonderful tutorial, I squared up the fence before drilling the fixed 1/4" bolt hole using a bit chucked up in an 8" Stanley Bell linesman brace.Sgt42RHR