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001.JPGGEO Bishop & Co.73 viewsI found this saw at an antique shop. The pat date says Jan 9 -06 Laweranceburg Indiana. 14 inches long with a reversible blad. The end has teeth as well that help hold the front of the blade in place. I havn't been able to find any thing else on this item. I am looking for some guidance as to its rarity. Or mayby I should try sharpening it and use it???KellysW

002~0.JPGGEO Bishop & Co.67 viewsI found this and found it a bit of a novalty in that it has the option of two diferent tpi teeth choices and the bar helps to acurately cut dovetails.KellysW

005~0.JPGyet another pic of ugly Wbucher chisel...92 viewsKellysW

006~2.JPGW Bucher ugly chisel260 viewsKellysW

010~0.JPGThe buisness end of the ugly chisel.74 viewsYears of abuse to one ugly chisel...KellysW

011.JPGThe best Brace I have purchased thus far. 46 viewsStill working on Identifying this one. Found in a antique shop...KellysW

016.JPGPic 3 #71 Stanley Type 3 ?43 viewsKellysW

020.JPGChisel slick42 viewsThe mark is quite dificult to read but we believe it to be a Peck Stow and Wilcox. 3 1/2 in wide. I picked this up on my vacation to Raleigh N.C. I have the origonal handle as well but I intend to make a more aesthetic pleasing oneKellysW

015.JPGWell I didn't have one... enough said42 viewsKellysW

009.JPGW Butcher chisel50 viewsI believe this to be the ugliest chisel I have yet to find. Keeping in mind this is still prety good British steel. The handle is the true caracter in this story. Whom ever put this together was either desperate for a handle or wasn't very clever in the ways of tool beauty. Either way it took a lickin and well judge for your self if it was a success.KellysW

019.JPG# 71 type 3 ?41 viewsI picked this up at a antique shop. I beleive it to be a type 3 Stanley 71. There does appear to be a smattering of the original nickle finish left. It does appear to be the consistancy of paint. Verry thinKellysW