Shavehorse |
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shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_1.jpgA56 viewsfirst half of log partially split -- nearly an hour has gone byCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_2.jpgB46 viewscontinuing to split up the logCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_3.jpgC50 viewsinto the second hour, and most of the first half of the log is split up; the other one just lies there, chuckling ....Charlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_4.jpgD50 viewstwo hours into this, and I'm hot, soaked through my clothes, and still have the second half of the log to split .... what was I thinking?Charlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_5.jpgE51 viewstried out a small variety of tools to see if any were noticeably better in working this log ... conclusion: stay with the maul, wedges, sledge, and heavy hammerCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_8.jpgF 47 viewssquaring the facesCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_6.jpgG47 viewsfour faces squared up -- not as bad as trying to split it down the middleCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_10.jpgH 44 viewsyield from the 11ft x ~11" avg diameter logCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_16.JPGI 42 viewsso this is the photo I'm working to, and this is the material I have to make something like what's in the photo .. here we goCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_15.JPGJ67 viewsscrub planing the largest pieceCharlie Driggs

shave_horse_-_blk_locust_log_13.JPGK49 viewsscrub plane works well despite the very stringy grainCharlie Driggs

P1010007~0.JPGL 72 viewsmade a handle for my froe, and a "mallet" from leftover piecesCharlie Driggs