Colonially Inspired Workshop Items |
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IMG_0770.JPGShave horse277 viewsMade of 10 quarter by 9.5" poplar, salvaged from a dumpster. The table is a two by nine bit of douglas fir from my scrap pile that just happened to be precisely the right size for the part and so needed no further shaping by me.jjl134

IMG_0681.jpgJoint Stool - Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar108 viewsAll the members except for the top were cut from a single 8-foot DF 4x4. The top is a 1x12 cedar plank. Undercarriage is drawbored mortise and tenon. No glue. The top is nailed on (which is not an authentic practice). This piece serves well as a shop stool and saw bench. Still waiting for that nice red or white oak log to come my way though, so I can make a real one.

IMG_0679.jpgSpoon (bit) Rack142 viewsWell, there are actually no spoon bits in this rack (yet). The various bits are all taper shank. The four iron braces don't quite fit into the box at the bottom.jjl134

IMG_0678.jpgWhale's Tail Saw Till With Drawer217 viewsHome center #2 1x12 pine. Assembled with rabbets, dadoes and brads. No glue. Saw handles rest on a 1.25 inch dowel. Hangs on wall by a "french" cleat. Drawer holds saw files and sets.
Pipe box, at left, in 1/4 inch pine. Holds turned hammer and chisel handle blanks. Drawer contains wedges.jjl134