Twisted Bowsaw |
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100_0813.JPGsaw blade punch44 viewsSlip the blade in, crank down the handle and it will knock out a little circle of saw blade.dlarue

100_0814.JPGpunched38 viewsA few seconds later, the blade has a hole in it.dlarue

01_detemper.JPGdetemper52 viewstaking some of the temper out of the blade so it's less likely to crack.dlarue

02_smash.JPGbashing43 viewsbashing the blade with my favourite mallet. Sure it's rough on the mallet, but it's even worse for the poor blade!dlarue

03_kinky.JPGmashed blade45 viewsthis is after hammering the blade over in the vise.dlarue

04_twisted.JPGtwisted blade43 viewsthis is what the blade looks like with the twist in it.dlarue

05_mounted.JPGkinky bowsaw58 viewshere is the bent blade mounted in a bowsaw frame.dlarue

06_layout.JPGdovetail layout41 viewsjust used a pencil and eyeballs for this...dlarue

07_cutone.JPGcut #155 viewsfirst cut, at the far end of the socket. This is the stop cut for the cut across the bottom of the socket.dlarue

08_cuttwo.JPGcut #252 viewssecond vertical cut.dlarue

09_jab.JPGturning the corner55 viewsjabbing the twisted bit of the blade into the cut so as to turn the corner.dlarue

10_across.JPGacross the socket43 viewssawing across the floor of the socket after turning the corner.dlarue
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