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100_6844.JPGTools Of The Trade haul105 viewsStuff I acquired at the Tools Of The Trade sale in Pickering ON.dlarue

wimshurst2.JPGWimshurst Influence Machine 46 viewsAn electrostatic device invented in 1883 by James Wimshurst. I built this out of shop scrap, curbside junk, and some of my kid's Kinnex. It will create a 2 cm spark. Check out the video in Galoot Central. dlarue

100_6833.JPGPutting in81 viewsPutting in at Dana Rd launch ramp on Tay River, near Bolingbroke ON. David and I paddled (and walked) for 8 hours, covering about 25 km. It was a great adventure, but David says we will never do that particular trip again, *ever*.dlarue

100_6832.JPGLargemouth Bass78 viewsThis is the one that didn't get away! Aug 2008.dlarue

100_6841.JPGTools Of The Trade sale74 viewssome of the dealer tables at the sale.dlarue

100_6839.JPGTools of the trade sale90 viewsmore tools for sale...dlarue

100_6838.JPGstone holder66 viewsHere is the end of the stone holder. Cool eh? I kinda wish I would have bought them.dlarue

100_6837.JPGstone holder76 viewsside view of stone holder. dlarue

poker_handle_jpg.JPGfire poker handle43 viewspicked up this fire poker at a yard sale on Nov 1st 2008.dlarue

poker_end_jpg.JPGfire poker end52 viewsfire poker yard sale finddlarue

poker_jpg.JPGfire poker57 viewsgot this at a yard sale for a buck. Simply could not resist. The handle shape is nice, and the finial is really cool. dlarue

GClaus_2008.JPGGalootaclaus 200854 viewsGaloot Mark Harrell sent me a freshly sharpened Disston dovetail saw.
Some of the etch is still readable, and it says
Manual Training Schools
Henry Disston & Sons
No 2