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skin-on-frame-canoe-finished.jpgsticks string and a tarp21 viewsCurrach-built canoe, 1st Bronte Scoutsdlarue

100_6838.JPGstone holder66 viewsHere is the end of the stone holder. Cool eh? I kinda wish I would have bought them.dlarue

100_6837.JPGstone holder76 viewsside view of stone holder. dlarue

IMG_20170220_123330.jpgsyrup28 viewssyrup Feb'ry 2017dlarue

currach2.JPGThe Improbable18 viewsmaiden voyage of Currach Improbable.
Made with a brace & bit and a hatchet.
But you still can't call me a boatbuilder.dlarue

time_flies.jpgTime Flies27 viewsvertical sundial calibrated for the Pennsic Warsdlarue

TGOC_Oct2013_2.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 201319 viewsThe trade tables at the TGOC meeting.
There was also a small live auction and a silent auction.dlarue

TGOC_Oct2013_1.jpgTool Group Of Canada Meeting Oct 2013 haul21 viewsI picked up a few things.
Stanley jack rabbet, cute little hammer, reprint catalogue, combination stone, shaker pegs, awl, and dowel pointer from the dealer tables. Boxed stone from silent auction and a wrench and coping saw from the live auction.dlarue

100_6844.JPGTools Of The Trade haul105 viewsStuff I acquired at the Tools Of The Trade sale in Pickering ON.dlarue

100_6841.JPGTools Of The Trade sale74 viewssome of the dealer tables at the sale.dlarue

100_6839.JPGTools of the trade sale90 viewsmore tools for sale...dlarue

TOTT~0.jpgTools of The Trade Sale29 viewsTools of The Trade Saledlarue