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IMG_20151004_113209.jpgTOTT Oct 201533 viewssome woodies at the Fall 2015 Tools Of The Trade saledlarue

IMG_20151004_141207.jpgTOTT Oct 2015 planes41 viewsYou name it they got it.
From users to collectorsdlarue

IMG_20151004_141713.jpgTOTT Oct 2015 yikes34 viewsone well loved saw!dlarue

IMG-20120728-00255.jpgwheelwright camp 130 viewsThe Venturers are fitting the spokes to the rim mortices here.dlarue

IMG-20120728-00242.jpgwheelwright camp 228 viewsThe assembled and shaped hubs. They still need the bushings installed (1 1/4 inch black pipe with flanges on each end). Quite a complicated glue-up.dlarue

IMG-20120729-00271.jpgwheelwright camp 329 viewsHere is the 1st Bronte Venturers with their new wheels. Now they have to put tires on, paint them, and complete the rest of the gun carriage in time for the Fort George Camp.dlarue

deadpostdrills.JPGWhere Dead Post Drills Go to Die40 viewsSome dead post-drills in one of the piles-o-rust in the yard at Rideau Antiques.dlarue

wimshurst2.JPGWimshurst Influence Machine 46 viewsAn electrostatic device invented in 1883 by James Wimshurst. I built this out of shop scrap, curbside junk, and some of my kid's Kinnex. It will create a 2 cm spark. Check out the video in Galoot Central. dlarue

wimshurst1.JPGWimshurst Influence Machine44 viewsSide view... Note the sophisticated Leiden jars made by Gerberdlarue

wimshurst3.JPGWimshurst Influence Machine46 viewsSNAP!!dlarue

yagi.jpgYagi Hack27 viewsOld Antenna Toolsdlarue