Dec. 20 08 Estate Scores |
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Post_Drill_Pinon_gear.JPG132 viewsTRexF16

Dunlap_Post_Drill.JPGDunlap Post Drill168 viewsGot this, which seems complete & working, and a #12 cast iron dutch oven (the kind with legs and a lipped top for camp cooking) both for $20. Score!TRexF16

Dunlap_Model_No_.JPGDunlap Post Drill Model number123 viewsTRexF16

Dunlap_Label.JPGDunlap Post Drill label77 viewsTRexF16

Partial_haul_20_Dec_08.JPGPart of today's haul!221 viewsEverything here except the Ben Hur drawknife and the [new, in the box, complete and never used!], Stanley 59 Dowelling Jig came from the bin marked "$2 each or 3 for $5". The drawknife and dowelling jig were $4 each. Remainder includes: Stanly 90 marking guage, Simmonds compass saw, Disston double-sided saw, Logan froe, 12" Nicholson rasp, small marking knife, 2 blacksmiths hammers, Stanley No. 18 8 inch bevel square, and a 1/2 inch forshner bit with a long shank for chucking in a brace.TRexF16

Disston_Double_handle_close-up.JPGDisston Double-sided handle114 viewsIt is this handle for which the patent shown in the blade etch relates to. No chips or cracks of any kind, just some flaking varnish.TRexF16

Disston_Double_sided_saw.JPGDisston Double-sided saw116 views10 points on one side, 15 on the other. No movable back nor any provision for one. Saw plate is the thickness of a handsaw, not a backsaw.TRexF16

Disston_etch.JPGDisston Double-sided etch80 viewsIt's hard to read it, and I can't make out a model number, but I can see the Disston logo and the patent date, which an on-line search reveals is for the movable handleTRexF16