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Heavenly_hammers.jpgHammers290 viewsHere are a pair of hammers sent to me by a rarely heard-from galoot. He informs me that these handles were made from some ancient chinese rosewood that he salvaged form a dying antique. I believe it. These are the prettiest hammer handles I have ever seen!
I had to lighten the pictures way up because the rosewood is almost black.
The best part of all is that this is the smallest ball peen hammer I have ever seen at 2 ounces. It is marked, "P&C". The claw hammer is also new to me.

Step_one.jpgSaws105 viewsAfter cleaning and sanding the handle thoroughly, do your wheat carving, if desired, then use red analine dye to make the handle a bright red. Analines do not get darker with repeated coats, so it won't ever get too red.Oldmillrat

Step_two.jpgSaws100 viewsNow apply blue analine dye. If one coat doesn't turn it a dark purple, apply another coat.Oldmillrat

Step_three.jpgSaws75 viewsNow apply a coat or two of thin garnet shellac. The purple color magically changes to rosewood.Oldmillrat

Finished_handle.jpgSaws108 viewsFinished product. Looking at the handle now it appears to be original, except that the original had no wheat carving, and was in bad condition.Oldmillrat

Early_chisel_handles.jpgChisels111 viewsHere is a picture of some of my early efforts at making chisel handles. At the time I was in love with Apricot wood and brass, so all of these show that. I now have at least twice as mny chisels, and I have gotten away from this style.Oldmillrat

Hand_made_saw_handle.jpgSaws94 viewsThis is one of my hand made saw handles. It is a thumbhole handle for a D8 rip saw. The wood is cherry. This is direct copy of a factory handle plus a couple of embellishments.Oldmillrat

Schlagring_handles.jpgSchlagring handles154 viewsThese are the handles I made for my set of Greenlee gouges.Oldmillrat

marking_knives.jpgMarking knives59 viewsThese are a couple of the many marking knives I have made. I used 0-1 steel, but I did not harden it. I don't think a marking knife really needs to be hard. I enjoy turning the handles. These were made of exotic woods.Oldmillrat

Sanpaper_cutter.jpgSandpaper cutter 261 viewsThis device is my sandpaper cutter. I use it to cut sandpaper into halves and quarter sheets. There is a coarse hacksaw blade in front which acts as the cutting blade. The back has a hinged block which puts the paper into the correct position to cut either size.
This is simple to make, and it makes life a lot easier when you need to cut sandpaper.Oldmillrat

andpaper_cutter_2.jpgSandpaper cutter 262 viewsThis is a device I use to cut sandpaper into quarter sheets. The stop is in the forward position to make the narrow cut.Oldmillrat

Drawkinves.jpgMore hand made drawknives72 viewsHere are a couple more drawknives that I made using High Speed steel saw blades for donor steel. The handles are turned from various different woods, and the ferrules are made from brass compression nuts.Oldmillrat