GalootaClause 2008 |
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DSCN0013A.JPG111 viewsMy GalootaClause match up wishes to remain anonymous but his out standing craftsmanship and generosity should be recognized. I hope these photos do justice to my benefactor’s talent.Pete Wood

DSCN0015A.JPG128 viewsThe package I received before Thanksgiving contained several items. First were the two books, a general book of projects and wood working techniques. Its perfect for a newbie like me. there was also a book on joinery, which I started reading right away. Also in the box were four pieces of wood labeled as you see in the image, that’s purpleheart on the bottom, and Stanley rasp. Most impressive of all were the six tools.Pete Wood

DSCN0014A.JPG111 viewsNext, came these amazing tools in a hand crafted presentation case of ridged foam insulation that protected them from the rigors of abusive postal elves. Had I known these were in the package I doubt I could have resisted opening it.Pete Wood