First Dovetails |
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IMG_1308.JPG6) The box joinery118 viewsI decided to make a simple little benchtop catch-all for holding tools and dodads during projects. I cut dados for the dividers and recessed the bottom for a, ...well...bottom.TRexF16

IMG_1309.JPG7) The dividers112 viewsI hand planed some pieces of ash from some bomb crates I'd scrounged at work, and cut an edge cross lap joint (I had to look up that name for this posting) so they slid together.TRexF16

IMG_1313.JPG8) Parts ready for glue up104 views...except for the 1/4' thick bottom, which isn't shown here.TRexF16

IMG_1314.JPG9) Clamped for glue to set96 viewsTRexF16

IMG_1318.JPG9-1) Almost done116 viewsAfter the glue set, I planed everything square and flush and then wet sanded it with BLO/turps to push the "mud" created by the sanding dust and BLO mix into all the gaps, to clean up the mistakes.TRexF16

IMG_1319.JPG9-2) Finished and doing its new job!123 viewsHere's the finished catch-all box on the benchtop. I threw some random benchtop odds and ends into it, and confirmed it really does keep them from escaping. Mission Accomplished! What started out just trying to learn a new skill ended up not only starting that process, but also making something useful.TRexF16

IMG_1310.JPG1) The raw material117 viewsI passed this 7 foot pine 1x4 at the dumpster at work the day before Christmas, and having been wanting to try dovetailing, threw it in the truck thinking it'd be good free stock to practice. After paring off the old glue line, I cut four five inch lengths, hand planed and squared them, and decided to try to dovetail them together into a square open box.TRexF16

IMG_1304.JPG2) First attempt136 viewsI "took too much of the line" on my pin board and ended up with an ugly first try, but good lessons learned. The next three were much better.TRexF16

IMG_1307.JPG3) Second try139 viewsI was much happier with this one.TRexF16

IMG_1306.JPG4) Third joint116 viewsStill OK.TRexF16

IMG_1305.JPG5) Final corner126 viewsBlind squirrel found an acorn. These joints turned out better than I anticipated, and rather than use the result for firewood (as I'd kind of expected to), I decided to try to make something useful from the resultant "box."TRexF16