Carvings and things |
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Small_bowl_base.jpgBowl79 viewsThis base was turned, then carved to accept the small glass bowl. The wood is silky oak.Oldmillrat

Lidded_Bowl_base.jpgBowl46 viewsThis is another base I carved for a lidded bowl. It is my wife's favorite.Oldmillrat

Ash_tray_base.jpgBowl42 viewsMy wife finds pretty glass pieces, then brings them to me so I can make fancy bases for them. This is a hand carved base.Oldmillrat

Burned_bowl.jpgBowl31 viewsA small bowl made of unknown wood. It is carved around the top, then wood burned. The inside was burned with a torch, then painted black.Oldmillrat

Carved_bowl.jpgBowl34 viewsA bowl from unknown wood. It is about 9" across at the widest part. I carved the outside of it for contrast to the curves of the turned part.Oldmillrat

Wormy_walnut_mushroom.jpgMushroom30 viewsA mushroom about 10" tall, turned from an unknown wormy piece of wood. I like things like this because they have character.Oldmillrat

Mushroom_on_base.jpgMushroom31 viewsA mushroom about 8" tall made from a very wormy piece of walnut, then mounted into a carved base of an unknown wood.Oldmillrat

Camphor_wood_vase.jpgVase39 viewsCamphor wood vase with base made from spalted maple. The vase is half of a large piece that warped badly in the middle. I cut it in half and re-turned it, then turned a base for it to sit on.Oldmillrat

Lady_s_cane.jpgCane26 viewsThis is a rosewood cane I made for my wife. She now has about a dozen custom made canes in different woods and different configurations.
The handle is an antique lavender doorknob that I found at an estate sale.Oldmillrat

Head_of_cane.jpgCane26 viewsSide view of the head of the cane showing the connection I had to make for the head to mount. I had to bore a piece of brass round stock to accept the shaft that was part of the knob, then bore the other end to fit on the wood.Oldmillrat

Lavender_glass_top.jpgCane23 viewsThis handle was originally a lavender glass doorknob. I found the doorknob at an estate sale and bought it for $10. I thought it would make a great lady's cane.Oldmillrat

Set_of_platters.jpgPlatters35 viewsHere is a set of 5 platters. These were turned, burned, carved, dyed, painted, and otherwise decorated.
My complaint with most woodturning is that unless you can see a signature on a piece, you cannot tell who the artist was. Turnings mostly look alike, except for some of the professional turners.
My pieces are mostly very distinctive. When I bring pieces to how at each meeting of my club, everyone usually knows my work. It's different.Oldmillrat