Old Tools |
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mahog_plane_2.jpgBottom Corner196 views This view shows the business end of the tool with the cutter being ground square to the back and bottom. writt

handscrew_vise1.jpghandscrew vise285 views This pic shows the vise in my bench'e front vise. writt

handscrew_vise2.jpgvise jaw150 views This pic shows the moveable jaw. writt

Jimsplane.JPGNew Plane304 viewsFound at a local flea market. Unknown maker.writt

pattern_makers_plane3.jpgPlane Base251 viewsThis is a broader shot. writt

pattern_makers_plane4.jpgPlane Base Shoe Off149 views This clearly shows the relation of the frog to the base. writt

pattern_makers_plane1.jpgPattern Maker's Plane 1287 views Here you can see how the shoe is attached to the base. The base casting is not Stanley. The complete frog assembly, the iron, the cap iron and the lever cap are Stanley. writt

pattern_makers_plane2.jpgPattern Maker's Plane 2228 views You can see how the shoe attaches to the base. The rear attachment screw is under the tote. writt

Record_Handles.jpgRecord Plane248 views New cherry knob & tote on a Record #4. writt

Larrys7.jpgOld No. 7319 views Rehabed Stanley #7 type 17. writt

60-1.jpgStanley #60 with New Handle401 views Stanley #60 with new cocobolo handle, sharpened and ready for paring. writt

60-4.jpgChisel Handle235 views This is a closeup of the cocobolo handle. writt