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JapVsUSSaws.jpgFrom National Geographic Magazine, April 1947, p. 498126 viewsText speaks for itself. The title of the article is "Backwoods Japan During American Occupation."Tom11

RouboPress.jpgRoubo Presses142 viewsTop half of Plate 280 from Roubo, L'Art du Menuisier Ébéniste, showing the horizontal press, Fig. 1, and the vertical press, Fig. 2.Tom11

Gclaus2011.jpgGalootaclaus 201098 viewsCincy Tool Co. 1923 cat. reprint (R.K. Smith), Millers Falls 1887 cat. reprint (Astragal), MI's "How To Use Tools" 1952, Woodwork Tools & How to Use Them (1922, Toolemera reprint), Our Workshop (1866, Toolemera reprint)Tom11

RioGrinder.jpgPeddle power grinder209 viewsTaken on the street in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2007. It is set up for elektrickery or foot power, as available. To move, the operator tips the whole thing onto the flywheel, and pushes it along the street, announcing his coming with a godawful whistle.Tom11