Flooring |
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floor7.jpgPlaning a thick board45 viewsThis wood is tough. Wild grain and it is very hard. Its going to take a while. My scraping plane will get a work out

floor5.jpgWild Grain46 viewsI cut most of the knots out but left some small tight ones. However the piece just right of center has a big one. I couldn't bear to chop up this board because of its looks. The missing center will be filled with clear epoxy.firebrick43

floor3.jpgHickory Flooring/ wild grain44 viewsHickory flooringfirebrick43

floor1.jpgInstalling plugs51 viewsGluing and installing walnut plugsfirebrick43

floor2.jpgHickory Flooring being installed in my house 1107 viewsTree for this flooring was harvested locally out of a cow pasture and milled by my local saw mill. This floor has been cut on a MF miter box. Screwed with a MF brace. Plugged with Walnut. firebrick43