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a_p_router.jpg106 viewsA mysterious small bronze router, purchased attached to a large wooden base plate, which was in turn attached to an even larger wooden baseplate! It was also painted a nasty shade of red.bugbear

barnesley_hammer.jpg78 viewsdiscussed in this OLDTOOLS threadbugbear

chair_devil_34.jpgdetail multi-shot of a small chair devil24 views9" long, 7 Oz in weight (227 mm, 198g)bugbear

chair_devil_detail.jpgdetail multi-shot of a cmall chair devil24 viewsShots from top:
top view
front view
view of internal faces of disassembled devilbugbear

chair_devil_wooden.jpgchair devil20 viewsThe classic design, taken from R. Salaman's "Dictionary of woodworking tools"bugbear

drill_stand.jpgdrill stand77 viewsunknown drill stand, most casting labelled "800"bugbear

drill_stand_rule.jpg67 viewsbugbear

maybe_croze.jpg75 viewsdiscussed in this thread on oldtoolsbugbear

monster_bead.jpg72 viewsBiggest side bead I've ever seen, spotted at a local auctionbugbear

nor_plane.jpgnorwegian plane with side handles38 viewsseen during an Episode of "Coast" entitled Norway - Lillesand to Svalbardbugbear