Alameda Flea 606C, 5/2010 |
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rackback.jpgChisel rack back62 viewsTwo pieces of feather board, cut on a large circular saw (see the grooves from the blade, running in opposite directions on each piece). The wider board is the lower one in the rack.madwing

rackside.jpgSide of redwood chisel rack91 viewsYou can see the edges of the featherboards, thin edges touching, making up the back, as well as the other three long pieces that span the width of the rack.madwing

alamedachisels.jpgNice Cherries114 viewsA better shot, out of the rack. Not bad for $25.madwing

cherriesinrack~0.jpgThree Cherries and a Pad90 viewsThree Hirsch carving chisels and a pad chisel, in a rack from Tom Holloway.madwing

rackochisels.jpgA Rack of Carving Chisels119 viewsRack from Tom Holloway's going away bash (thanks, Tom!), chisels at left from Alameda in May, the rest from various times. More to be added.madwing

606Ccleaned.jpgAfter cleaning91 viewsThis is about as clean as it needs to be. If I really want the plane bed cleaner, I'll soak it in a sink full of Simple Green, and use a green scrubbing pad. All screws cleaned and waxed threads with Parowax, and I waxed both surfaces of the frog bed.madwing

606Ctote.jpgRosewood Tote, 606C72 viewsIt was pretty well dirty, so I soaked it in BLO/Turps/Beeswax mix for an hour, then rubbed it clean with 0000 steel wool. Some paint spots remained, so I cleaned them off with a razor blade, and then finished it off with more wax and 0000 steel wool.madwing

606Centire.jpgWith #6 blade/chipbreaker/lever cap65 viewsGently cleaned and reassembled. I put the blade, etc., there for the photo. Kirk Eppler is getting me a blade/chipbreaker/lever cap for it from a different #6, and if i like how it runs I'll Hock it (blade and chipbreaker).madwing