John Krau tools |
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Pic068__bs_setup.JPGtraveling blacksmiths281 viewsThis is my demo' blacksmithing setup. I built the toolbox with inspiration from the ToolBox Book, quench barrel supports the leg vise, forge, Fisher anvil. This is on the grounds of Arbor Lodge, Nebr. City.john krau

100_0610watch2.JPGWatch repair tools194 viewsTools from a friends auction, he attended watch repair school in 1929.john krau

Pic003toolsonthewall.JPGwall of tools337 viewsA shot of the wall behind my work bench. john krau

100_0574sunday_haul.JPGFall of '06 auction items162 viewsThings won at auction of old acquaintance, adze and shaping axe head, roll of bits, 3 brace drills, blacksmith turning hammer, very nice jointer plane, toolbox with 8 saws, including a split nut Disston. john krau

100_0731yankee_1530_repair.JPGYankee 1530119 viewsFound this Yankee summer, 06. axle screw for drive gear was missing, held together with red tag, Condemned, made a new screw, retapped threads in the hole seen in the bodyjohn krau

100_0730Yankee1530.JPGyankee 1530 no.2197 viewsAfter reassembling the drill, found it had good tooth contact, made a user out of a junker, put in coarse teeth, vs. original fine threads, due to softness of white metal body. threads gone was reason for condemned tag.john krau

100_0752not_your_ordinary_drills.JPG3 more drills151 viewsOn the left is a cane handle push drill, bit storage inside, on the cap is: Gilt Bros. Chicago, bits have a cross, cross section. Center is an unmarked wobble drill with keyless chuck, works better than it looks. lastly, a Goodell Pratt push drill.john krau

100_0748june_07_auction,_saws.JPGJune 07 auction results182 viewsSpent a little time and less money at a retired farmers sale. 8 handsaws, mostly disston, 3 meat saws, 6 hacksaws, one new handsaw handle, marked $.75. 2 scythes, actually 3, two cornknives, one drawknife, and felloe drill for wheelmaking. came to .85 cents each.john krau

100_0733screwdrivers.JPGscrew drivers and turn screws108 viewsSome of the tiny watchmaker? screwdrivers I've collected are on a huge, 19 inch black turnscrew. An excellent PH screwdriver, and a mint turnscrew with stamped handle, hammer forged????? Phila. john krau

100_0723drawknife_handles.JPGdrawknife refurbish79 viewsAlmost finished handles for a sad old drawknife. Makers mark illegible. Pulled from an iron pile at relatives auction. Am certain it is one of my great grandfathers tools, he passed on in 1910. john krau

Pic148knife_1.jpgA few knives98 viewsSome of the knives I've made from scratch, the finished ones and some works in progress, at the top is a folding jack knife.john krau

100_0763flywheels2.JPGflywheels, watchmakers lathe128 viewsMore auction finds. Foot powered flywheels. Wheels approx. 18 inches dia. All cast iron and heavy. One in rear is powered by a foot pedal and crank. the right one has an actual stirrup, and the left one has a roller that pushes a cam. It weighs at least 75 lbs. The Chicago Watch Tool Co. embossed on legs. Used to power the watchmakers lathe.john krau