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complex_shape_closeup.jpg124 viewsHere is a closeup of the cutter I used for that more complex profile. At this resolution you can also see how imperfect my polishing is.dhahn

holder_and_cutters.jpg157 viewsHere's my current holder and the cutters. The beam isn't that long since I don't need to scratch anything very far from the edge of a board. The cutters sit between the machine screw on the beam and the body. I need to make a marking gauge beam for this body, I like how well the wedge holds everything in place.dhahn

cutters.jpg114 viewsHere are all the cutters I've made so far. Some of them have holes because for my old cutter holder, you had to screw the cutter to the arm. You can see how two of them still have the original hacksaw blade profile, and on a couple the wave is still there on the old toothed edge.dhahn

back_of_scratch_stock.jpg143 viewsHere is the back of my current scratch stock. Its basically a marking gauge locked by a wedge. I cut a slit in the end and slide the cutters in the slit and hold them in place by a small machine bolt through the end of the beam.dhahn

coat_rack1.jpg114 viewsHere is a short (2ft or so, .7m Jeff) section of coat rack that I made. Its modeled after the window sills in my house. The detail at the bottom and the cove molding was done with a rebate plane and scratch stocks.dhahn

coat_rack2.jpg97 viewsYou can see some of the tear out and other imperfections left by scratching this out. I'm sure I did some sanding on this as well prior to this picture.dhahn

small_scratched_trim_1.jpg92 viewsThis is some tiny trim I scratched from poplar. I was going to use this to decorate the joint between the frame and panel of some cabinet doors. I ended up going with a simpler applied cockbead design. I could make that with a block plane and some minor cleanup with a shaped scraper or scratch stock.dhahn

small_scratched_trim_2.jpg84 viewsAnother view of this small scratched trim showing some scale. The graduations on teh left side of the ruler are 1/16 inch.dhahn