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IMG_9570_gic.jpgmatchbox car ramp48 viewsJust a simple ramp made from two pieces of poplar dovetailed together. I plowed a recess to keep the cars on the track.dhahn

IMG_2462_gic.jpggalootaclaus_elf_aftermath148 viewsdhahn

IMG_9453_gic.jpggappy dovetail68 viewsYou can see how I undercut the base of the dovetail on this corner. I was coping out the waste (I normally chop) just to make less noise in my basement shop. I got a little out of control on this corner. You can also see the somewhat rough surface of the milk paint.dhahn

IMG_20131226_095849.jpggalootaclaus_201324 viewsElf was jim obrian. Three shaker boxes by jim. A center bead plane and a craftsman made sash plane.dhahn

dog_holes.jpgdog holes90 viewsThey are 6 inches apart and about 2 inches to the front edge. I'll be placing the holes on my new in progress bench more like 3 or 4, way too much tail vice moving at 6 inches. They are as close to the front as they are now because of the limited width of the woodworking part of the bench.dhahn

IMG_9344_gic.jpggclaus_201148 viewsdhahn

coat_rack1.jpg114 viewsHere is a short (2ft or so, .7m Jeff) section of coat rack that I made. Its modeled after the window sills in my house. The detail at the bottom and the cove molding was done with a rebate plane and scratch stocks.dhahn

gclaus_recieved_2010.jpggclaus 201064 viewsHand dovetailed pine box packed with other gifts. Saw files, jointer and rake gauge, spokeshave, 220 block plane with a box, rosewood offcut and a lie-nielsen tapered molding plane iron blank.dhahn
Last additions - dhahn's Gallery |

IMG_20131226_095849.jpggalootaclaus_201324 viewsElf was jim obrian. Three shaker boxes by jim. A center bead plane and a craftsman made sash plane.dhahnDec 26, 2013

IMG_2734_gic.jpggit wooden dovetail saw46 viewspatterned after a lie nielsen dovetail saw, handle is old cherry, spine is mulberry and blade is plywooddhahnDec 31, 2012

IMG_2738_gic.jpggit saw handle closeup44 viewspatterned after a lie nielsen dovetail saw, handle is old cherry, spine is mulberry and blade is plywooddhahnDec 31, 2012

IMG_2672_gic.jpgGclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, big wooden joiner, drawknife, folding yardstick, two triangle files, one chainsaw filedhahnDec 27, 2012

IMG_2673_gic.jpggclaus 2012 - detail32 viewsFrom Marty Reser, 4 books.dhahnDec 27, 2012

IMG_2674_gic.jpggclaus 2012 from Marty Reser32 viewsBig ass wooden joiner, folding yardstick, drawknife, 3 files, 4 booksdhahnDec 27, 2012

IMG_2461_gic.jpggalootaclaus_elf_aftermath262 viewsdhahnDec 19, 2012

IMG_2462_gic.jpggalootaclaus_elf_aftermath148 viewsdhahnDec 19, 2012