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orig_partial_bench.jpgpartial bench119 viewsHere's a shot down my "bench" from the tail vice. The woodworking part is 6-8 inches wide and 5 ft long. It's made out of 2x4 or some crappy wood that I had (hence the small size), and was intended to be temporary (3 years ago). Its being replaced by a southern yellow pine holtzapffel ala Chris Schwarz (sometime this year)dhahn

dog_holes.jpgdog holes90 viewsThey are 6 inches apart and about 2 inches to the front edge. I'll be placing the holes on my new in progress bench more like 3 or 4, way too much tail vice moving at 6 inches. They are as close to the front as they are now because of the limited width of the woodworking part of the bench.dhahn

bad_color_dog.jpg65 viewsHere's a bad color pic of one of the bench dogs. This design is completely borrowed from someone online (Josh something or other, sorry, I forget). Its about 6 inches long, 3/4 by 3/4 inch . The spring is 1/8th poplar (sawed and planed from something larger) and is just glued to the oak body of the dog.dhahn

dog_in_hole.jpgdog_in_hole60 viewsHere is a view of one of the dogs in its hole as looking from the tail vice to the far end of the bench. I have the wood spring oriented at 90 deg to the clamping force (not sure if that matters)dhahn

sawtill.jpgSaw Till97 viewsMy humble saw till (plus my mortising mallet)dhahn