Blacksmithing |
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DSCN2360.jpgFirst Dragon Head214 viewsThis took about an hour, in half inch square bar stock. nicknaylo

forge0003.jpgfork end and holdfast239 viewsworking end of the BBQ fork, started as 18 inches of 1/4 x3/8 steel, ended up 25 inches long. Newest holdfast alongside the earlier ones. nicknaylo

Fork.jpgFork from the forge197 viewsa better shot than before.nicknaylo

gasforge1.jpgGas Forge951 viewsSome pipe, a little insulation and a propane torch and I've got a small forge for those little projects after work. nicknaylo

2013-08-31_Gasforgetest1.jpgGas forge test24 viewsGreg Hahn was kind enough to bring a stack of Freon tanks to the last BagAthon (along with all the wooden wine boxes) and almost a year later, I got a small gas forge set up and running.
Couple of tweaks to the set up. Need to add a choke and a quick connect to the burner and coat the inside with a refractive coating.nicknaylo

DSCN2269.jpghandled RR spike Axe.143 viewsput a handle on the axe forged from a RR spike. nicknaylo

DSCN2411.JPGheads.94 viewsFirst dragon head on the right, most recent on the left, a bit horse/dog like, but I did learn to hacksaw red hot metal to make the mouth. nicknaylo

DSCN2362.jpgHoldfasts209 viewsa set with a bit less curve in the arm, done in 5/8 stock. nicknaylo

Horseheadsprogress.jpgHorsehead bottle openers16 viewsLower opener made a year and a half ago, progress to get back the knack of shaping the headnicknaylo

DSCN3917.JPGIron Dragonflys77 views1st one on the left, 2nd burned off wing version on the right. nicknaylo

JR_Hook.JPGJake the Russian Hook86 viewsInspired by the work of Phil Koontz buddy, Hammered this out nicknaylo

DSCN3513.JPGLatest forge set up38 viewsBrake drum bolted under steel service cart. nicknaylo