Blacksmithing |
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forge0003.jpgfork end and holdfast239 viewsworking end of the BBQ fork, started as 18 inches of 1/4 x3/8 steel, ended up 25 inches long. Newest holdfast alongside the earlier ones. nicknaylo

DSCN2360.jpgFirst Dragon Head214 viewsThis took about an hour, in half inch square bar stock. nicknaylo

DSCN2452.JPGFirepoker, split point 135 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2453.JPGFirepoker, scrolled end 104 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2451.JPGFirepoker, forks, leaves166 viewsnicknaylo

hanger1.jpgFireplace tool hanger53 viewsholes drilled in the mortar of the fireplace, insert dowel and drive in mounting spikes, splitting the dowel and wedging the spikes. Really challanging to get the wave consistent nicknaylo

hanger2.jpgFireplace hanger36 viewsfor fireplace tools made or modified in the backyard smithy. Poker and marshmellow forks made from bar stock. Brush from a shiny brass firetool set after modfying the handle. nicknaylo

microforge.jpgfirebrick microforge102 viewsnicknaylo

forge0005.jpgfire rake and water can handles372 viewsBeen meaning to shorten the fire rake handle and replace the alum. rod water can handle for a while now. nicknaylo

DSCN3297.JPGFinished bottle opener57 viewsadded a leaf and hang loop to the end. Made sure there was a beer in the house before I started forging this time.nicknaylo

FDFMF.jpgFathers Day Flea Market Finds42 viewsa forged gate latch and a couple of handled top swages, inch and 3/4 and 2 inch sized swagesnicknaylo

image0001~0.jpgFather's day forging37 viewscorkscrew, plant hook and leaf with a knot in the stem nicknaylo