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Wayne_A__with_Rabbets_gic.jpgWayne Anderson plane with Rabbits95 viewsMy new (June 2008) W. Anderson plane with cocobolo infill - sitting with my collection of rabbit planes.GalootFrank

Scrub.jpgMini-Scrub Plane181 viewsHere is a modified ECE plane I turned into a scrub - along with a small hammer that I made a mesquite handle for.GalootFrank

6_75_Post.jpgRear Knob Post62 viewsThis shows the rear knob post on a Stanley 9 3/4 plane. Note it is not round. There are unthreaded flats on each side.GalootFrank

9_75_Knob.jpgStanley 9 3/4 Plane Knob85 viewsRosewood knob for Stanley 9 3/4 plane. The plane is type 8A.GalootFrank

Stanley_9_75.jpgStanley 9 3/4 Plane167 viewsStanley 9 3/4 with knob from estate sale in August 2007. Knob wasn't on plane. I found it separately in a box of miscellaneous junk - for $1.00.GalootFrank

Hamler_Care_Pkg.JPGPlane Kits134 viewsRouter plane and "rabbit" plane kitsGalootFrank

Rabbit_and_Brothers.JPGSmall Planes250 viewsHamler rabbit plane leading Birmingham brothers.GalootFrank

Rabbit_and_Birmingham.JPGRabbit Plane242 viewsRabbit plane sitting on the "front porch" of a Birmingham plane.GalootFrank

Stanley_100.JPGStanley 100 "Patternmakers Plane"348 viewsShows plane and dovetailed box with mahogany lid and decal.GalootFrank

Stanley_100_Box.JPGStanley 100 "Patternmakers Plane"152 viewsPatternmaker's plane with seven bottoms.GalootFrank

IMG_2221.JPGLow Angle Plane Logo79 viewsShows the Fort Worth Armadillo Works logo.GalootFrank

ECE_Planes.JPGECE Planes56 views3-1/2 inch planesGalootFrank
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