Spear & Jackson saw |
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spearjackson_medallion.jpgmedallion146 viewsThe medallion has the Spear and Jackson logo in the center with "Spear&Jackson Sheffield" with the crown logo at its center. The outer ring of the medallion states "All saws branded Spear&Jackson are fully warranted" Then inside of that: "Spear&Jackson have an experience as saw makers extending over 160 years"Brentpmed

spearjackson_handle.jpgSaw handle110 views5 nuts, 4 domed and the huge medallion. The stamp on the handle appears to say "non-break handle" embossed into the wood. Because of the embossing I am assuming this is 20th century, Any one know about how to date this saw?Brentpmed

spearjackson_saw_lenth.jpgoverall size88 viewsUPDATE: The saw was cleaned, jointed and re-filed to a rip pattern to make a panel size rip saw and given away to a Galootaclaus recipient 2014. Here is the overall size and shape of the sawBrentpmed

spearjackson_button.jpgspearjackson button81 viewsThere is a decorative button on the top horn which tops off a dowel that runs down through the handle, presumably to make the handle stronger. You can't read it in this photo, but on it is printed: Patent (I can't make out all of the numbers)
The button may be ivory, it has that patina and checks in it, but it could be some other material. The pin holding the button in place may be brass. Brentpmed