Galootish things |
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2012-07-28_19-15-35_291.jpg$1 Kennedy tool box,101 viewslaid out like a tackle box. Needs some cleaning, maybe a new paint job.
How many Kennedy's can one galoot own? nicknaylo

2012-07-28_19-17-46_876.jpgKennedy T 18 Tackle box88 viewsLabel looks like a Richard Scary book. nicknaylo

2012-07-28_14-29-27_92.jpgscrub planing into something like flat..ish43 views5.5 plane with deep camber on the blade. Bringing the live oak down to flatnicknaylo

2012-07-28_14-03-26_755.jpgframe sawing bent live oak timber43 viewsLive oak from a local park, just the right back bend for chair legs, kind of hard and dry. nicknaylo

gig1.jpgBlacksmith whirligig in teak46 viewsnicknaylo

gig2.jpgBlacksmith whirligig detail45 viewsthe whole thing made of teak scraps, some glueups to get the proper thickness nicknaylo

2012-04-01_21-14-52_454-2.jpgUnusual folding handle drawknife42 viewssliding buttons on the handles open and close joint. nicknaylo

2012-04-01_21-16-03_679-2.jpgFolding drawknife detail47 viewsgifted by a neighbor after I took care of her chickens, neat sliding button rotates the handle from closed to open. what looks like a slotted screw slides to release the handle catch. nicknaylo

2011-12-04_13-23-56_577.jpgPre Galootaclaus Alameda Flea booty132 viewsPlanes, saws, squares, chisels, clamps wrenches, paper etc. nicknaylo

DSCN4325.jpgToothless half round file46 viewsDoesn't appear to ever have had teeth, no marks, significant curves across both axisnicknaylo
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