Galootish things |
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shop0001.jpgMakin' Hay65 viewswith the Alameda scythe. Little haystack, half the yard done. Tired...nicknaylo

Legging2.JPGLegging49 views2 back legs done, drilling raked and splayed holes for front legs for a plank chair, Doug Fir test board to make sure it works first. nicknaylo

splay.JPGSplayed chair legs test51 viewsDoug Fir plank to test out leg angle jignicknaylo

DSCN4097.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co. table 188 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN4094.JPGMilwaukee Grinder & Specialties Co.181 viewsMy new favorite grinder, didn't even know how good it was. nicknaylo

image0007.jpgGalootaclaus 2010 74 viewsCouple of great saws, a D8, Atkins rip, compass saw and ParkerLine No 85 coping saw
great set of MF 1/8 number AND letter stamps. nicknaylo

image0006.jpgBarnes #2 seat and perforated drive belt106 viewsrecently resewn with some thick leather from Paul G. nicknaylo

image0003~0.jpgBarnes #2 blade mount 3110 viewsUpper mount straight on. Small depressions on either side of the slot capture the pin of a coping saw blade. Machine screw will pinch the blade, but not needed with pin endsnicknaylo

image0004~0.jpgBarnes #2 scroll saw blade mount96 viewsUpper mount. Thick, pressed sheet metal. Single screw and washer hold it to the arm. nicknaylo

image0005.jpgBarnes #2 scroll saw blade mount84 viewsLower arm blade mount. nicknaylo

image0013.jpg5 gouges reground and handled85 viewsonly the largest one needed a handle. All the others were ground for lathe use, fingernail grinds. Except for the largest, all were ground square and then to a 30 degree bevel. Octagon handle burned onto the largest gouge. nicknaylo

DSCN3842.JPGWine box full of wooden spoon blanks58 viewsnicknaylo
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