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walnut-square-top-sm.JPGsquare walnut bowl - top49 viewsThese have about 6 coats of shellac on them as I remember. They were done about 15 years ago and have changed shape over time. They USED to be square.daveldr

walnut-square-side-sm.JPGsquare walnut bowl - side65 viewsThe flash picked up turning marks that don't show in realitydaveldr

walnut-square-bottom-sm.JPGSquare bowl - bottom48 viewswalnut firewood used for 1st square bowldaveldr

mitre_jig-sm.jpgmitre jig139 viewsMitre jig using kerfing to match angles. Place first board, then butt second board to it before clamping.daveldr

Damascus_Mkg_knife_sm.jpgDamascus Marking knife133 viewsBlacksmith made Damascus Marking knife. The stamp says, " E Zieg". Eric is the Balcksmith at Claude Moore Colonial Farm, where I am a behind-the-scenes volunteerdaveldr

MYPLANE-3sm.jpgDIY plane145 viewsSketch of how-to build a DIY planedaveldr

PATINA-VFW.jpgBodger's bench w/ drawknife129 viewsDimensional lumber Bodger's Bench with Winstead, folding handle, drawknifedaveldr

shav1-Winstead-vsm.jpgBodger's bench w/ drawknife136 viewsDimensional lumber Bodger's Bench with Winstead, folding handle, drawknifedaveldr

PATINA-Damascus.jpgPATINA show in Damascus MD93 viewsLocal map of the PATINA tool show and auction in Damascus, MDdaveldr