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Padfoot1.jpgpad foot test side view 47 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN2603.JPGKerfed corners, cherry "feathers" glued in 84 viewsnicknaylo

image0005.jpgBarnes #2 scroll saw blade mount84 viewsLower arm blade mount. nicknaylo

2013-06-12_23-03-38_440.jpgReally big vise137 viewsGeneral Fire Extinguisher Company vise,
132 lbs.!!! nicknaylo

first.JPGTreadle lathe version 3,maybe 3.4208 viewsself contained flywheel, construction lumber frame, 30's era lathe, rope drive belt. nicknaylo

image0001~0.jpgFather's day forging37 viewscorkscrew, plant hook and leaf with a knot in the stem nicknaylo

IMG_20160123_134137671.jpgScrewdriver handles 24 viewsnicknaylo

DSCN3172.JPGDulcimer finished 22 viewsnow if only I could play it. nicknaylo
Last additions - nicknaylo's Gallery |

knockonwood.jpgKnock on wood44 viewsa bit of figured oak, scraped and oiled and shellaced for the tray in the car. nicknayloNov 19, 2017

IMG_20160704_165216609.jpgWater tank strap bolts15 viewsthe outside view. nicknayloOct 16, 2017

IMG_20160704_165323751.jpgWater tank strap bolts15 viewsfor possibly wrapping an anvil stumpnicknayloOct 16, 2017

Soapstone.jpgSoapstone holder14 viewsforged from stainless (it's what they had) about 6 inches long with the scrap of soapstone. nicknayloAug 22, 2017

Vise.JPGErie Toolworks Vise22 viewsportable vise with a grommet and wingnut, like a carvers screws nicknayloAug 22, 2017

Whatsit~0.JPGWhatsit from Menlo Park29 viewsabout 12 inches long, steel. Hand forged, very good welds. Marked J.H. Neff.nicknayloMay 05, 2017

GC2016.JPGGaloot a Claus 201640 viewsBooks on iron and scrollsaw work, shopmade brass square/sanding blocks, caliper rule, Stanley chisel, LV calendar, Swiss chocolate plane and gnome (don't ask) and fine adult libationsnicknayloDec 25, 2016

GC2016plane.JPGtiny swiss rabbet plane44 viewsnicknayloDec 25, 2016