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dddd01~0.jpgJA_Fay_Chisels106 viewsDoes anyone know if these chisels are for the earlier foot powered mortise machines?MWBMay 02, 2012

dddd02~0.jpg71 viewsMWBMay 02, 2012

dddd03.jpg62 viewsMWBMay 02, 2012

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dddd05.jpg57 viewsMWBMay 02, 2012

dddd01.jpgMillersFalls7b24 viewsIf you look at the back of the mouth, is that recess supposed to be there, or is it a user modification?MWBMay 02, 2012

dddd02.jpgMillersFalls7b26 viewsIf you look at the back of the mouth, is that recess supposed to be there, or is it a user modification?MWBMay 02, 2012

DSC09657.jpg70 viewsMWBAug 15, 2011