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gougefull.JPG192 views The full gouge -- 16 inches long bpassaro

sharpwheel.JPGShows the bar that is my "tool rest"176 views bpassaro

sharpsetiron.JPGSetting the jig at the right distance-gives proper angle148 views bpassaro

sharpsetchis.JPGSetting the jig at the right distance-gives proper angle144 views bpassaro

DSC03947.JPGsycamore drawer side220 views bpassaro

DSC04463.jpgGalootaclaus was here: 12/21/07216 viewsFrom top left to right: scrap brass, marking guage, hand-forged knife, coupla carpenters pencils, North Bros ratcheting screw driver, Stanley everlast-style chisel, perfect-handle screw driver. Thanks, John! bpassaro

hammer.JPGwhat kind of hammer237 views bpassaro
Last additions - bpassaro's Gallery |

galootaclaus08.JPGGalootaclaus was here: 12/26/08161 viewsblock of ebony and a cutter from Kansas City Windsor Tool Works (to make a spokeshave), a hand-turned bowl, and a Stanley #53 spokeshave. (from Josh Clark, Oxford, Ct.) Thanks, Josh! bpassaroDec 27, 2008

sushitray.JPGXmas gift138 views A tray for serving sushi, or whatever bpassaroDec 23, 2008

skewandspear.JPG146 views bpassaroAug 09, 2008

skewsandspear2.JPG135 views bpassaroAug 09, 2008

skewchisel.JPGskew157 views bpassaroJul 07, 2008

gougefull.JPG192 views The full gouge -- 16 inches long bpassaroMay 13, 2008

gouge.jpgbig gouge149 views bpassaroMay 12, 2008

hammer.JPGwhat kind of hammer237 views bpassaroFeb 13, 2008