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aug09photos2_002.jpgkitchen in progress jan 0946 viewscowtown_eric

Irwin1.jpgPrinceton BC skiing50 viewsPop Irwin and gangcowtown_eric

aug09photos2_012.jpgwolf dual fuel stove install52 viewsthat bout xplains it all lucycowtown_eric

aug09photos2_008.jpglarge island85 views11' islandcowtown_eric

aug09photos2_010.jpgdishwasher detail47 viewslookbeside the dishwasher, the end gables are wrapped with stainles steel. Anyone who has seen what ends up on the floor around the sides of dishwasher will appreciate this....cowtown_eric

kev_skitchen1.jpgkitchen reno53 viewskitchen reno finishedcowtown_eric
Last additions - cowtown_eric's Gallery |

aug09photos2_008.jpglarge island85 views11' islandcowtown_ericOct 04, 2009

aug09photos2_012.jpgwolf dual fuel stove install52 viewsthat bout xplains it all lucycowtown_ericOct 04, 2009

aug09photos2_010.jpgdishwasher detail47 viewslookbeside the dishwasher, the end gables are wrapped with stainles steel. Anyone who has seen what ends up on the floor around the sides of dishwasher will appreciate this....cowtown_ericOct 04, 2009

kev_skitchen1.jpgkitchen reno53 viewskitchen reno finishedcowtown_ericOct 04, 2009

Irwin1.jpgPrinceton BC skiing50 viewsPop Irwin and gangcowtown_ericOct 04, 2009

aug09photos2_002.jpgkitchen in progress jan 0946 viewscowtown_ericOct 04, 2009