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WHITE_KNIFE.jpgWhite curved drawknife28 viewsMarked L & IJ White Buffalo, 16" wide, unusual (to me) blade angle.jem1098

what1a.jpgabout 15" long of regular metal with a tool bit welded on45 viewsjem1098

Stanley_55_Box_2.jpgStan55-279 viewsBox of cutters #2 for Stanley #55jem1098

Stanley_55_Box_3.jpgStan55-370 viewsBox of cutters #3 for Stanley #55jem1098

S_Saw_Handle_and_Nuts.jpg"S" Saw Closeup of Sawnuts129 viewsHere's a closeup of the sawnuts with the raised S. The other side is regular, not split-nuts. jem1098

After_48_hours_tumbling.jpgPolished Auger Bit120 viewsAfter 48 hours tumbling in walnut shells and 600 grit silicon carbide. Would have been faster with better electrolysis first, and 400 grit. No rounding of edges, but the initially weak Irwin mark is now a lot weaker. jem1098

sawtill2.jpgA Small till I threw together to hold backsaws. It sucks and it's too small. I need an idea for holding 15-18 backsaws.56 viewsjem1098

chisel_sideview.jpgDelaminated Chisel - Side View178 viewsI think this was a caulking chisel. It's split halfway to the handle into 3 layers of metal. Don't know where I got it, but I'm sure I didn't buy it. jem1098
Last additions - jem1098's Gallery |

what1a.jpgabout 15" long of regular metal with a tool bit welded on45 viewsjem1098Jun 20, 2010

what1b.jpgtip of unknown tool, looks like carbide30 viewsjem1098Jun 20, 2010

unkplanecap2.jpganother unknown lever cap, maybe a stanley9-1/2?31 viewstwo unknown lever capsjem1098May 20, 2010

unkplanecap.jpgunk levercap for small block plane30 viewsunknown levercap for small block plane.jem1098May 20, 2010

whatsit.jpgwhat is it36 viewssomeone sent this to my website asking for ID. I haven't got a clue.jem1098Feb 23, 2010

WHITE_KNIFE.jpgWhite curved drawknife28 viewsMarked L & IJ White Buffalo, 16" wide, unusual (to me) blade angle.jem1098Feb 21, 2010

kkfrog.jpgKK Frog vs Bed44 viewsIs this the right frog? With those 3 raised ribs the frog ends up with a gap of 1/8" below it. jem1098Dec 16, 2009

caliper.jpghinge end of unknown caliper47 viewsjem1098Sep 24, 2009