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pd_layout.JPGscribe from Pocket Dovetailer28 viewsscribing the base lines for through dovetails using a vintage Pocket Dovetailer, not one of those Johhny-come-lately knockoffs from a certain notable handtool maker/retailer.dlarue

pd_gouge.JPGNot just dovetails!29 viewsHey, LV's version of the Pocket Dovetailer doesn't have one of these! Now I can make a spoon to eat my oatmeal with...dlarue

pd_dovetails.JPGdovetails26 viewsthe finished joint, HEY it WORKS!dlarue

pd_chisel.JPGtails first24 viewschiseling out the waste with the REAL pocket dovetailerdlarue

TOTT_NOV_2013.jpgTools of the Trade sale Nov 201324 viewsa few odds and ends I picked up at the sale.
Oh look, another spokeshave, quelle surprise!
I am so weak.dlarue

ship_augers_1.jpgship auger 141 viewsbusiness ends of long augersdlarue

Ship_augers_2.jpgship auger 221 viewsa bunch of very long bitsdlarue

nose_auger_1.jpgNose Auger 122 viewsinside of the cutting edgedlarue

100_4071.JPGSpear & Jackson DT saw24 viewsNice little 10 inch S&J saw that I picked up at the Crosby Flea Market on July 9 2011. Couple of chips off the horns, in need of straightening and sharpening. Wish I had this a couple days earlier when I needed it...dlarue

100_4076.JPGBoid Feedah23 viewsTotal hack job.dlarue

100_4456.JPGNot Aladdin's Cave Oct 28 201123 viewsThis is my haul from Stuart's basement, minus the Sandvik axe.dlarue

face_vises.JPGface vises25 viewsface vises are more-or-less across from each other, one is inside the legs the other is outside. There is a leg under that X on the bench top, the designated Pounding Area.dlarue
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